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3 Tips to Protect Your Hair this Summer

julio 01, 2015 1 min read

Welcome July! Summer is definitely in full bloom and we couldn't be more excited. While you get ready to have some fun in the sun this month remember to not only protect your skin, but make sure to protect your hair. Exposing your hair to excess sun can cause: dryness, frizz and dull hair color. There are many tips and tricks you can that can help protect your hair from the summer sun.

Here are 3 quick and easy ones:

1) WEAR A HAT: Rock a fedora, sunhat or even a baseball cap. Your mane will thank you later!

2) EMBRACE THE WET LOOK: More moisture = less dry strands. Apply a small amount of conditioner to your wet hair and embrace the wet look.

3) REMEMBER THAT SULFATES ARE BAD: Sulfates, including salt, can cause hair damage. Make sure to rinse your hair before and after swimming in the ocean and pool. How do you protect your hair from the sun? We'd love to hear from you.

